Trail Of Joy, The Return to the Gathering "Completing the Circle"
Last Update: 14 March, 2009

This is the story of my Family and I on a journey going back along one of the most painful paths, "The Path of Hernando DeSoto" a journey back to where he first landed in North America. It is about forgivness, healing, and most of all -- Love.

On May 10th of 1996 we began walking the path of DeSoto. This journey began where he died in southeastern Arkansas, about 5 miles north of Arkansas City and then traveling back along his route to just south of Tampa Bay, where he and his army first landed in May, 1539. Planting a Cedar tree in each of what are now the states where he traveled leaving so much death and destruction along the way, the last of these trees was planted on November 28, 1996. These trees were planted for cleansing and as a sign of renewal, rebirth and forgiveness. If the "Trail of Tears" and subsequent removals were the end for the people of the southeast, then DeSoto's journey was the beginning of that end, an end of a way of life that had lasted for over hundreds of thousands of years.

In Time this page will be complete. This was the second of four journeys given to me by my Mother Earth and the Creator in October, 1994. On the night of the November 28th, 1996 and on into the early morning of the 29th. I was in prayer and my Mother came and said that one would be given vision, and that they would help with the last.

In faith I come to you, in accord with the spirits of our ancestors and Creator.

Your Brother,

James Duncan, 
"The Gathering" of Mother Earth's Children
4981 S.R. U
Pomona, MO 65789

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