The Story of the Logo

Last Update: 15 March, 2009

We have said, "since the beginning of time, we have always been here."

O SI YO' All My Relations,

This is a story that began many years ago. While I've had visions all my life, in March 1985 they became very real. It was from that point that my life began to change very slowly at first, then in August 1994 like a whirl wind. In March of 1995 while in Tahlequah, OK I meet a young artist and I shared some of these visions with her and told her of my desire to create a logo that had some of the most important parts of these visions in it.

The Buffaloes , there are two of them in the logo. There is duel meanings involved with them. The first; in March 1985 there in the night sky I saw two buffaloes running across the sky, followed by a man that I knew to be the Gatherer. One who would begin to gather the children of Mother Earth together again.\par The buffaloes, one is white and one is black. These are the children. The white one is the children who still remember who they are and their relationship to creation. The black one is for the children who have forgotten who they are and their relationship to creation, and who are now lost.

On April 24th, 1985, I saw there in the night sky a young woman in a orb of gold, and on the next night the 25th. there again in the night sky was a cross (not a christian cross) in another orb of gold. Earlier I spoke of August 1994, to be more exact it was August 20th. 1994, on that morning I went out to smoke a cigarette and sip a cup of coffee (which I did every morning), it was about 6:15 - 6:20 am. There to my left was a tree, the very top of this tree was dead (or just lacking any leaves), on this top branch sat a Red Tail Hawk, what was strange about it was that it was all aglow, as was the tree, and all around it there was this brilliant golden glow. This was to let me know about the birth of the White Buffalo calf, although it would be almost a month before I would come to understand it. What I saw back in 1985 was a foretelling about the birth of the White Buffalo calf and the spirit of the White Buffalo Calf Woman. Which is the Spirit of Mother Earth. This would be the beginning of the closing of the circle of life. When it comes full circle and the children are gathered again, a new beginning will take place. From the four directions they will come. As it was in the beginning, so it shall be again. The past, the present and the future are one.

The Black Jaguar's Wisdom Includes : Seeing the roads within chaos, Understanding the patterns of chaos, Moving without fear in the darkness, Facilitating soul work, Empowering oneself, Moving in unknown places, Shape-shifter, Psychic sight, Keeper of the circular time continuum, Gatekeeper to the Unknowable.

there will be More to come !!!!

In faith I come to you, in accord with the spirits of our ancestors and Creator.

Your Brother,

James Duncan, 
"The Gathering" of Mother Earth's Children
4981 S.R. U
Pomona, MO 65789

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